Online Ministry and Ordination FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions
Ordination and Ministry Questions

Is online ordination legal?

Yes. That does not however mean that one could take their credentials and walk into a certain Church
and expect that officials of that Church will recognize your ordination.
How do I become Ordained?

Step 1. Go to the main website HERE
Step 2. Join the Evangelistic Association.
Step 3. Wait for your membership application to be reviewed for approval.
Step 4. After being approved - Login to your private office.
Step 5. Enroll in the Discipleship studies.
Step 6. Complete the Discipleship studies.
Step 7. Read and agree with the terms and conditions for ordination.
Step 8. Communicate with the leaders who are reviewing your application.
Are UCFM Ordinations Recognized in Canada?

The UCFM faces some of the greatest of difficulties in Canada. Actually, I am not aware of anywhere else in the world that there have been more problems than with Canada.

Religious freedoms in Canada are very restrictive under government control. Additionally, the UCFM would have to make an application to each province of Canada and go through a great amount of "red-tape".

This is not only true of U.S. based faiths - it is also true of Canadian born faiths. For example there is a ministry in Canada that is similar to the UCFM. The last I knew, it was only recognized by the Canadian government in only one province and is attempting to move more toward working within the U.S.

The current situation is that UCFM would have to do a lot of work in Canada and meet many governmental controlling regulations. Worst of all is the wait of approximately 3-5 years while going through mountains of paperwork and expenses with only a 50-percent chance of approval - and this must be done separately in every province.

This doesn't seem fair, in that we are an established, purely Christian Ministry, existing in almost every corner of the world.  It is discouraging that an established Christian organization, such as the UCFM, is having a harder time getting established in Canada than certain Islamic or non-Christian faiths.

We have been seeking a break-through in this gridlock with the Canadian Government, praying that we can work in partnership with an already established Canadian Church/Ministry, in order to recognize UCFM members and credentials - as that organization would be already recognized in all the provinces of Canada.

With all that said - I still am not deterred to eventually make a break-through ---- THAT may well come as lodged protests from me making a call to all the UCFM joined with other Ministries to write certain entities within the Canadian government for relief, in the call for religious freedom outside of excessive governmental control.

Now all this must be seen in proper perspective as well. A minister, biblically speaking, is a "Servant" of God and no GOVERNMENT on the face of the earth has any authority over Christ Himself or His servants. Jesus is, was and will always be King of Kings and Lord of Lords, regardless of who might think otherwise.

The primary issue that the Canadian government regulates is administering "Civil Marriage" ceremonies on behalf of the "State" who issues the couple a "License" or permission of the state to enter into a marriage. And that is the control that the Canadian Government regulates - "Marriage" - in recognizing one organization over another. If you're going to perform a Civil Marriage, you have to be licensed of the state to do so. In other words, you and your covering ministry must have the approval of the Canadian government.

That is the only issue that any government has control. There is no government on earth that can forbid one from serving God!

The question now comes: are you a Minister or not if UCFM ordained (recognizes you) even if your government will not grant you permission to perform governmental civil marriages. I believe the answer is YES.

Government recognition is not the true test of the Ministry or the Church.  GOD IS!!!

The Canadian Government is not forbidding you from proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ, nor from Baptizing others, nor from Communion, nor from prayer, nor from Bible Study or gathering together as the Body of Christ, nor from anointing or visiting the sick. They are not saying, nor do I believe the Canadian Govt. says, you're NOT an ordained minister. What they are saying is they will not allow you to administer a CIVIL Marriage on behalf of the Government.

I will tell you a short story of a UCFM Ordained Minister in India whose problem is not in performing marriage. It is just being a Christian - could cost him his life! Yet, he serves God - not bowing down to his government. He and some converts have to meet in the jungle where now their obstacle is being attacked by tigers. This man is suspected by the government of being a Christian leader and has been taken in by the police and beaten on several occasions for SERVING GOD.

Keep up the faith and know we are working on a solution were the Canadian government will ease up on the issue of Religious Freedoms, and know you are in our deepest of prayers.  

What is the legal age for ordination?

18 years of age.

Ordination of Homosexuals?

The UCFM will not ordain unrepentant practicing homosexuals.

Yes, homosexuality is a sin and just like any other sins, can be forgiven. To be forgiven one must strive to overcome and forsake their ways. This would mean admitting it to be a sin, and seeking forgiveness, known as REPENTANCE.

That still does not mean a homosexual cannot attend Church or seek the Lord - or be fellowshipped.

It just means the UCFM will not ordain to the Ministry those openly rebelling against God in non-repentance and who openly proclaim it is not a sin.

It has to do with Ministry.
What are the requirements for ordination?

The agreement for the UCFM-Evangelistic Association is located HERE

The terms and conditions to Ordination are located HERE

The terms and conditions of ordination may be changed / updated, so check the above links regularly.

Do you ordain Women?


What can I do to get started in the Ministry?

Start being involved in all the churches; join a local council of Churches; serve in Soup Kitchens; help with local Charity events - in other words get some recognition that you truly are a servant of God.  Attend local ministry training and classes.  Continue your education with the idea of getting a degree. Find local Home/Cell Churches and become involved with them. Join local prayer groups or start one. Help distribute food to the homeless.  Author and Publish a book.  Write a local news article about the homeless or Christian issues. Be one who is willing to serve others IN serving God and others will see and recognize you as a Servant of God. The main issue is that our Ordination is an Entry Level Credential - BUT not a finished product - Continue to grow and add more credentials to your existing - such as attending a Christian College or Seminary to earn a real degree.

Offer to assist the Church in any way they need (NOT just because you are an ordained Minister) but because you are a servant.  This might be in the role as an Assistant Pastor.

If you're female, realize some Churches are doctrinally stuck that Women cannot serve God. What I am getting at is that some Churches/ Ministries might not give you the time of day only because you're female...........DONT LET THIS STOP YOU!!!

Most existing Churches already have a Pastor and if they are looking for one they probably are going to select one from their own rank and file. Fully recognize that just because you have ordination credentials the local Church is not going to set aside their organization and recognize you. This is true of almost any Church. For example, if you're a Baptist Minister you would not expect that you could walk into the local Catholic Church expecting them to put you on the payroll immediately.

Each Church has its own way of choosing a Pastor. Some require that the candidate be a long term member of their Church (not a newcomer) and some require that you be a graduate of their seminary with a 4-6 year college degree.  We must realize that the governing body of a Church is not going to move aside just because we walk into their office holding ordination credentials.

Build your recognition and creditability before you walk into a Church to lay down your credentials of Ordination.

This is just the beginning! You now have Ordination Credentials - but now it is up to you to build up your resume adding a college degree perhaps and a list of credible references in a resume that can be referred to, showing that you truly are there to serve the Church.
Are other family members covered under my ordainment?

Only the person ordained is recognized as a UCFM minister - not other family members.

How long does it take after submitting my ordination application?

Processing ordination applications varies a lot. The UCFM leadership must communicate with the applicant and verify a great deal of information. Additionally, the UCFM imposes a time limiting factor where the leadership will not process an ordination application until the applicant has been a member for at least 30 days. One of the main reasons for this is to test the sincerity of the applicant (this rule is effective December 15th 2009).

Regional Contacts

Statements of Beliefs
Frequently Asked Questions

United Christian Faith Ministries is a
501c3 recognized Private Foundation.

All donations are tax deductible.

WARNING! Tax exemption applies ONLY to United Christian Faith Ministries-501c3 Private Foundation. Each independent Ordained Minister must apply for their private exemption. Please contact for more details.

United Christian Faith Ministries
PO Box 916
Church Hill, Tennessee 37642
Voice: 866-286-8307
Administrative Email:
Sr. Bishop Lovell Email:

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